LC-QQQ Publications

List of research work that has been conducted using the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS (LC-QQQ). 

Quantification of Amygdalin in Almonds

Quantification of Amygdalin in Nonbitter, Semibitter, and Bitter Almonds (Prunus dulcis) by UHPLC-(ESI)QqQ MS/MS Jihyun Lee, Gong Zhang, Elizabeth Wood, Cristian Rogel Castillo, and Alyson E. Mitchell Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013 61 (32), 7754-7759

Quantification of Polyphenols and Secoiridoids in Table Olives

Ultrahigh-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Triple-Quadrupole Tandem Mass Spectrometry Quantitation of Polyphenols and Secoiridoids in California-Style Black Ripe Olives and Dry Salt-Cured Olives Eleni Melliou, Jerry A. Zweigenbaum, and Alyson E. Mitchell Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015 63 (9), 2400-2405

Oxadixyl in Wines with LC-MS/MS

Mirzoian, A., J. R. Ammann. 2014. Determination of oxadixyl in wines by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Single-laboratory and interlaboratory validation study. J. AOAC International 97(6): 1701-1706.