Agilent 6530 by hhopfer October 06, 2015 Equipment Untargeted profiling, identifying, characterizing, and quantifying low molecular-weight compounds and biomolecules
Agilent 6460 by hhopfer October 06, 2015 Equipment Targeted analysis of non-volatile compounds in complex matrices
Agilent 7000 by hhopfer October 06, 2015 Equipment Targeted analysis of trace volatile compounds in complex matrices
Agilent 8800 by hhopfer October 06, 2015 Equipment Trace elemental analysis in food and beverage samples
Agilent 4200 by hhopfer October 06, 2015 Equipment The microwave plasma - atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) runs on air, doe snot need any flammable and oxidizing gases, and is capable of multi-element analysis with lower detection limits than flame AA.