Event Date
This two-day workshop will discuss the basics of experimental design and multivariate statistics for analysis of food and beverage samples. The focus will be on fundamentals of sound experimental design for collecting data from multiple analytical platforms (GC, LC, MS, ICP, etc.) with large numbers of samples and analysis by multivariate statistical approaches. This workshop will also discuss real world data sets featuring tips on pitfalls and limitations of common statistical approaches and how to choose appropriate sampling techniques and statistical tools to meet project objectives.
Who Should Attend?
Analytical, food and biological chemists interested in chemometric approaches for understanding interrelationships among multiple variables in a system. Scientists interested in food and beverage authentication, modeling relationships among large numbers of samples and experimental variables, and predicting sample properties based on spectral measurements (IR, MS, etc.).
To Register: http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=14502
Space is limited so register early to ensure a seat